Pencil case / marker case update


Not quite perfect , but pretty Damn  good❕✔
🚩 🇦 🇩 🇩 🇪 🇩 🇵 🇺 🇷 🇵 🇱 🇪
For the other side. Or I was thinking the bottom could be purple nd other side green.
Then I could attach zipper with purple nd finish with it too…. Most likely going to do that 😁

I love the sideways stitch. I think with a smaller hook it’d Turn out nicer.

I think I slept most of the day, pregnancy is wearing me out nd I have to run to go to the washroom about every fifteen minutes 😂


I can hardly believe that there’s only thirteen weeks left. I want to finish the bunny, make an octopus or octopus mobile but I have time for that (also depends on what yarn I find….thinking of buying bulk online, though I’m reluctant. I’ve only ever bought books online. )
I need to make booties / socks. I think I have the right size hook. Or I’ll get a 3.50mm hook next week.
I also need to learn how to make these shells so I may make a baby blanket.
Then a pillow but he’ll Be so young in November , I’ll have time. And maybe a poop emoji , kind of reminds me of Digimon from when I was little ❕💩
🐷going to make a piggy blanket too but for when he’s older and watches tv on the couch he can cover himself …. Oh my goodness,
The three little pigs I could do a granny square representing each house, 1  straw 2 wood 3 brick
And then a wolf🐺. Nd three main piggies 🐖.
I already have one pig 🐽.
I could make something about the boy crying wolf.🐑
And the tortoise 🐢and the hare.  🐇
🐁🐁🐁Three blind mice on a grandfather clock, oh that looks lovely in my mind for a throw ❕

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